Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Poison Ivy

Trusting you all had a great Labor Day holiday. I mentioned in the last post that jewelweed grows near poison ivy. Jewelweed is nature's cure for poison ivy and poison oak. Nature provides for us the remedies to the ills presented by something else in nature.

Jewelweed will inhibit the itching and blister formation that occurs with poison ivy and poison oak. Having once suffered from poison ivy, I understand how uncomfortable that can be. Unfortunately, I did not know about jewelweed as a child and got to suffer with the itching and blistering and breakdown of the skin. Not a fun experience.

You can learn to recognize Jewelweed in the wild and if exposed to poison ivy or oak, take a stem and break it and put the liquid from within the stem of the exposed area. In most cases this will alleviate the outbreak before it starts.

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