Friday, October 12, 2007

Diabetes and Anthocyanins Continued

Yesterday I spoke about these potent antioxidants. Anthocyanins not only help to stabilize the capillary walls, but they assist in making larger blood vessels stronger and have less atherogenesis. A more common term for this is "hardening of the arteries." In diabetics because of the damage caused by high blood sugars which make the blood vessels inflamed, the migration of white cells to the area occurs. There is also oxidation the low density lipoproteins (LDL) which result in plaques in the vessels. Oxidation of a plaque can make it break loose from the vessel wall and send it to one of the coronary arteries where it becomes lodged and causes a blockage of blood flow. You know this as a heart attack.

Anthocyanins interrupt this process by decreasing the inflammation of the vessels and also helps to prevent oxdation of the plaque that may already be there. So eating those cherries, berries, beets and red cabbage can assist you in preventing damage to your vessels.

I'll talk more about cnthocyanins tomorrow.

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