Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How often should you eat

Eating three meals a day is essential. The old adage that the most important meal is breakfast is absolutely true. Here is the reason why. Our bodies were designed to withstand famine. So when you haven't eaten since the night before and you don't eat in the morning, the body thinks it is in famine. It will then store as much as it can when you do eat into the fat depots so that if the famine continues it has something in the store house. What this relates to today, is that we see ourselves gaining weight and saying things like "I only eat once a day!" There in lies the problem.

So eat at least three meals a day. They don't have to be 7 course meals, but those of you who are attempting to lose weight will do much better if you eat 4-6 meals per day. The in-between meal snacks can be things like fruit, plain nuts such as almonds, or raw vegetables.

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