Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mother was right

Yesterday we changed your thought to ideal body. That was the first step. Now I'm going to reiterate something I have written about before. Your Mother was right. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body has gone approximately 12 hours without food, so your brain, and in fact all of your cells are in need of some energy in the form of food. If the cells go much longer without food, they will store as much as they can into fat stores when food does come along. This storage is to help protect them in that they may not get fed for a long time again. So more food gets put into the fat stores.

Skipping meals accentuates this problem. I've had people say to me that they don't understand why they can't lose weight when they "only eat one meal a day." Does it make sense why this might be a problem?

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