Sunday, July 18, 2010

Omega 3 Protects Us

We hear a lot about how much fat we need to lose, but lets talk about the fat we need to live. The omega 3 fatty acids are essential for us to live well. Why omega 3 is so important is that the body cannot make it on it's own. We have to eat it. The food supply being what it is today, we get more omega 6 which we don't need - these are the bad fats when we get them excessively.

You may have seen the ads on TV for the new "prescription" omega 3 fatty acids. Don't buy into that one. If you get a good brand of omega 3 you can do it over the counter. This is the drug companies putting it in a bottle and expecting that you will pay more for it.

Over the next few days, I will talk about various diseases and the effect of omega 3.

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