Monday, September 8, 2008

More on Good Fat and Bad Fat

Let's talk a little about good fats. Best fat is coconut oil. Get unrefined, virgin, organic coconut oil. Yes, it is a saturated fat, but it is easy for the liver to break down into usable cholesterol for the cell membrane. It will spoil if you leave it for a period of time after you have opened it.

Another good fat/oil is olive oil. Similar to coconut oil, you want the extra virgin olive oil. The reason is that virgin or extra virgin oils may not contain any processed oils. Extra virgin means that the olives were cold processed, so the oils extracted have not been exposed to heat.

Smart Balance is one of the buttery type spreads that does not contain hydrogenated oils. There are some others out there, but you will need to read the label. If they contain hydrogenated oils, find something else.

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