Monday, March 22, 2010

Food Inc

I just watched the movie Food Inc which is a documentary about where are food comes from and what is happening to our farmers these days. Most of us don't have a clue about any of this. The food is in the grocery store and we buy it, end of story.

Seeing this movie really makes you think about what you are putting into your mouth and into your body. One of the lines out of the movie is if your great grandmother would not recognize what you are about to eat as food, don't eat it.

A few major corporations have a strangle hold on our food sources and we have no idea of what is genetically altered food. While there is no hard evidence that the increase of heart disease, diabetes and multiple other diseases may be related to our "food," I think we need to be looking long and hard at what we are eating.

The fact that junk food is cheaper than organic fruits and vegetables sends many shoppers who have little money to the junk food isles. I think this may be an excuse as well to eat junk food rather than healthy foods. What other things are these individuals buying? Cigarettes? sodas? specialty coffees?

Things to think about and take a stand to only eat healthier foods. Don't settle for the beef that is full of growth hormones and antibiotics or only corn fed. Cattle were designed to eat grass and if they are only fed corn, they do not produce CLA - conjugated linoleic acid - a nutrient that helps us as humans. See my previous posts on CLA.

Rent the movie. It is worth the 90 minutes to see where your food is coming from.

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