Thursday, March 25, 2010

A request for help

I had someone take the Real Age test. Her Real Age test score said she was 78.6. Her actual age is 58. Here is some of her information which will give you a clue as to why her Real Age Results are what they are. She is 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 200 pounds. She has bipolar disorder, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.

This women has lots of issues which increase her age. She openly admits that food brings her pleasure and is really the only pleasure she gets. Why is that? If you are eating foods with lots of sugar or carbohydrates, the initial brain response is one of feeling good. Unfortunately, shortly there after you take a tumble in the feeling good score and now you feel bad again or worse than before you ate those sugary foods. This is like an addiction in that shortly after you eat the sugary foods, the bad feelings return and you go back after the sugar to feel better again. You can understand why weight goes up when this is what is happening to you.

You can increase the serotonin which is the feel good hormone by eating something like turkey which contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is what the body uses to make serotonin. This will also keep dopamine levels healthy as well. Balance here is the key.

Most of the time when we eat for "pleasure" we're not thinking about what we're eating we just are putting it into our mouths and go on our way. Take the time to really savor what it is that you are eating. Also, take some time to write down a list of things that you really love to do that are fun. The next time you feel like eating your way out of a problem, try doing one of the things on your list.

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