Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Good Oral Health & Disease

Too many of us do not take good care of our teeth and gums. The amount of gum disease is on the rise which can lead to other diseases in the body. Basically if you have a build up of plaque on your teeth, this causes inflammation of the gums which if not treated can up causing a bacterial infection.

What you may notice is bleeding of the gums or some discomfort in the mouth. Because of the rich blood supply in the mouth, it is fairly easy for the bacterial to get into the blood stream. This can set up and infection in the heart or just spread inflammation in the blood vessels. Remember that inflammation is the real problem with heart disease, not the cholesterol.

Having frequent dental cleaning, at least every 6 months is critical to your health. Can't afford the dentist, if there is a School of Dentistry near you, you will be able to afford the care.

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