Friday, May 7, 2010

Bones and Aging

I know I've talked about osteoporosis before. A recent article pointed out that many women who are not Caucasian feel they are not at risk for the disease. This is really a myth. Asian women are the same as Caucasian women in terms of the percent who get osteoporosis. But more importantly, there is a very high percentage of Asian women who have low bone mass putting them at higher risk for the disease.

While the percentage of Hispanic women who get the disease is lower, they still have a fairly high percentage who have low bone mass and are at risk. African Americans have a lower percentage who actually get the disease, but they too have a fairly high percentage with low bone mass.

The ones who often get left out of these statistics are men. There are significant numbers of men who either have osteoporosis or at risk for the disease.

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