Saturday, August 15, 2009

Exercise and Breathing

Breathing should be an integral part of your exercise routine. Many people tend to hold their breath during exercise, especially while lifting weights. Get in the habit of being aware of your breathing and if you are lifting weights, exhale as you lift the weight. Since you gain more from lifting if it is done slowly, this will help you in the process.

If you are walking, can you walk and talk at the same time. You should be able to carry on a conversation as you walk without feeling short of breath or breathless to talk. This is the first thing to work on if you are just beginning to walk. You may be amazed at how many people cannot really walk and talk. One of the signs of not being able to do this, is not just the breathless sound of the conversation or the pauses in between words, but often times the telltale sign is that these individuals will stop frequently while they are talking.

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