Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ten Things To Do To Decrease Stress #7

When I was a college professor years ago, I learned the value of guided imagery. This is something you can do for yourself at home or in the office. Just take a few moments. You don't need anything but you, however, if you have music that takes you to a place of peace then by all means put it on. My place of peace is the mountains and I have several songs that take me into the serenity that the mountains hold for me. I can get there in an instant.

You can close your eyes - this is often helpful until you become proficient at this. Visualize your place of peace. Where do you feel the most calm - the mountains, on the beach with the surf rolling in, on a boat, - where is your favorite spot? Visualize that spot and feel the feelings you feel when you're there, hear the sounds that are present around you. Take a deep breath. Stay in this place until you feel your body relax.

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