Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Causes Disease? #3

The one process that I believe is the cause of 99% of our disease is stress. The AMA states that it is 95%, but I think we can really look at almost everything as being caused by stress. The body was designed to deal with stress by using what we know as the flight or fright response. The adrenalin starts to flow but there are other chemicals released in this response as well that make our blood pressure rise, heart rate goes up, blood sugar rises, and a host of other things occur.

Now the original design was to make it so that you could get away from the saber tooth tiger. The problem today is that the tiger no longer exists and the stresses in our lives are everywhere and constant, so our bodies are in an endless flight or fright response. I mentioned earlier in this series about needing your immune system to be strong. Well, it won't be for long if you are under a lot of stress.

The fact of the matter today is that we have so many stressers coming at us on a minute to minute basis, that we have become somewhat oblivious to stress and its effects. For more on this interesting topic and how to use your body to combat stress, click here.

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