Saturday, February 6, 2010

More Good Foods to Eat

You may have noticed that my list here of healthy foods, with the exception of the first one, sardines, the rest have all been vegetables. Well they are the healthiest foods. Beside today, I have one more vegetable to talk about. Today I'm going to talk about brussel sprouts. You know, those tiny little cabbages.

Growing up my mother did what most people do to brussel sprouts. They cook them into oblivion! They should be tender, but not mushy!

Brussel sprouts contain a compound called glucosinolate which has cancer fighting properties. In fact brussel sprouts contain the highest amount of this compound. Additionally, they contian Vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and K, and folate.

Hint, when you cook them, try tossing them in some olive oil, garlic and salt and then bake them. The less water involved in the cooking the better.

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