Friday, February 19, 2010

Starting Exercise Over 40 Continued

Now that you're comfortable, pick the exercises that are right for you. Do what you like to do and do what you can. Don't be afraid to venture into untried territory, but start off with exercises you like to do. If you always liked playing baseball as a child, then join an adult baseball league. If you always wanted to learn to tap dance, then join a tap dance class. Don't just do what you think is appropriate, do what you like or would like to try.

Many people feel walking is boring. But if you walk with others then it may be less boring. Or take a nature hike where you walk in silence and you make a point of noticing all of the things in nature around you, down to the blades of grass. You'll be amazed at what you see. The next time you go for a walk, listen to nature and think about the trees, grass, birds, water whatever is watching you instead of you watching nature.

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