Friday, November 21, 2008

Health Insurance

I was reading an article today that gave me a great deal of concern. There is movement in Washington to change the health care system in the US. This has been going on for many years. What raised my concern was that the health insurance industry is going to back the new plan if it is made manditory for everyone to purchase insurance. I have a real problem with this, because at this point there is nothing to say there will be any help with the cost. I know for many middle class people with the economy being what it is right now, this would not be a possibility.

I know and agree that we should all have coverage. But I also know that the cost of health insurance is steadily going up and that many more will not be able to afford it. Being self employed, I also know that employers cannot absorb this and still maintain there business.

We all need to be aware and watching what is happening. Like Big Pharma who wants us to be on their most expensive medications, the insurance industry can have a similar effect if they back the manditory insurance piece. I know that our country needs to revise it's health care system, but I have real fears about this one.

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