Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Soy - Good or Bad

Many of us have heard about how good soy is for us, but is it really? There is a lot of controversy over how healthy soy really is for us. Yes, it does contain essential amino acids in it's raw form, which by the way, we cannot eat and digest. For us to eat it, soy must be processed. That in and of itself should raise some red flags. While there is still a good amount of amino acid present in the processed soy, there are other things present as well that may not be as good for us. More on this tomorrow.

Another thing to consider when thinking about soy is that the beans have been genetically altered and some sources suggest that you cannot even trace back to the wild growing soy bean. That always gives me a bit of concern that we are ingesting something that has been genetically programed, usually to increase the yield and not necessarily the quality of the bean.

More tomorrow.

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