Monday, November 3, 2008

Truth or Wives Tale

Bundle up it's cold outside. Has your mother or grandmother ever said this to you? Usually the next line is "You'll catch your death of cold." Bottom line, she was right. In a recent study done with college students, those who were chilled with ice water were more likely to develop colds than those who were kept toasty warm.

You may ask why is that. You immune system is responsible for fending off cold viruses. If you have been exposed and have the virus in you when you are chilled, the virus gets the upper hand because your body is using it's energy to get warm and you get sick. On the other hand, if you have the virus in you and you stay warm, your immune system is able to do it's job and kill the virus, preventing you from getting sick.

Simple but true. Wear your coat when it is cold. Or as grandma used to say, "bundle up, it's cold outside."

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