Thursday, November 13, 2008

Minding Your Mind to Health

Have you ever noticed that people who seem to be sick most of the time also tend to be very negative people. Yesterday I mentioned how important it is to be aware of what we're saying. If you want to see how this works, just sit and tell yourself for 5 minutes how bad you feel. You may not have any particular problem, just tell yourself you feel bad. At the end of 5 minutes ask yourself how you feel. You will not feel well. You can be more precise with this and pick a particular problem, like my stomach does not feel well, I'm getting a cold or focus on an ache. Whatever you focus on will become intensified and you will experience whatever you are thinking about.

Now turn it around. Think, I feel great! Put a smile on your face and think to yourself how great you look and how good you feel. Even if you didn't feel well a minute ago, you will feel better just by thinking positive thoughts and putting a smile on your face.

Try and see how you do.

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