Thursday, May 28, 2009

Economics of Healthcare

If the cost of seeing your doctor is prohibitive, consider going to a clinic or community center for health care. Usually the costs are prorated because the clinic is subsidized by the government. This will help you if you have a chronic condition that requires follow-up care.

Also consider going less often. Perhaps you don't need to be seen as frequently. Negotiate this with the doctor.

Look for any free tests or screenings. I live in Colorado and we have a public Health Fair every year. There are many free screenings at this event. You can also get blood screenings at a very reasonable cost - much cheaper than going to a doctor's office. If you need help interpreting the results, respond to my blog and I will get you help.

Save on your medications. Ask for the least expensive drug. You don't necessarily have to have the latest drug on the market. Also, know about the programs for $4 or $5 for a 1 month supply of your prescription.

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