Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sugar Substitutes Continued

I just want to say a couple more things about sugar substitutes. It probably all boils down to this, why would you put a chemical into your body that has the potential to create so much harm? Are the calories from sugar that important? The media has made us believe that they are. But why not utilize natural sugar or natural sweeteners instead. Moderation is the key my friends.

I failed to mention one other sweetener that is out there called erythritol, which is a sugar alcohol. Once again this is a chemical that has been manufactured, and while it is advertised as natural, it is not. The chemical compound is one that has been manufactured and has the potential for side effects just as any manufactured compound.

Now I also don't believe in just using sugar, because refined sugar is a lot of empty calories that just leaves you wanting more. I do believe in natural sweeteners and I'll talk about those tomorrow.

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