Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Peventive Healthcare

As I mentioned yesterday, the economic crunch is definitely affecting people's ability to pay for healthcare and prescriptions. One of the things that people feel they can cut out is regular teeth cleaning. Not a good idea, but I understand that dental coverage with insurance is not always available and if it is like the plan I have, it only covers about 30% of one cleaning per year. So here is a tip to help you continue to keep your mouth healthy during these difficult financial times.

If you have a local dental school, go to the dental school clinic. The cost will be much less and you can be sure to not neglect your dental health. Letting your dental health go is going to cost you majorly in the future, so stay up with it.

If there is not a dental school in your area, strike a deal with your current dentist. Let them know your inability to pay. They are usually very willing to work with you, so that you continue to get preventitive care.

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