Friday, October 24, 2008

Exercise and Arthritis

If you are having arthritis pain, that is not the time to stop exercise. You should continue to do simple exercises to keep joints working correctly. If you stop exercising, the joints will become stiffer and you will have more difficulty moving.

Some simple things that you can start with are just some simple stretching exercising. This will help keep the joint functional. If you have pain in knees or hips, begin walking each day. Start out slow and work your way up to 20-30 minutes per day. This will prevent further deterioration of the joint. Swimming or water exercises are also great to keep joints active.

The worst thing you can do is to stop moving or be sedentary, moving as little as possible. If you want more information of some simple exercises to help keep your joints functioning, just hit the email button below this post and I will respond to you.

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