Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Organic Foods - Should You or Shouldn't You

I have had many people ask me about organic foods and whether they should buy organic or not. How do they know that they are actually getting organically grown foods and what does organically grown actually mean.

Let's start with what is organic food. Foods that have an Organic label are foods that are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or any form of biotechnology (like irradiation which is used to kill bacteria). Organic meats come from animals which are fed only organic feed, and the animals are allowed free range in pastures and not confined in pens 100% of the time. The animals are also not given antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones.

Farmers who raise crops which are labeled as organic must go through a rigorous verification to be able to use the organic label.

One of the things that I do not is have organic fruits and vegetables delivered to my door by a company called Door to Door Organics. I've had a very positive experience with them and my husband and I love the fruits and vegetables that we get. If you are interested in learning more and if they are available in your city, just go to Door to Door Organics.

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