Monday, October 27, 2008

Serotonin - Feel Good Hormone

Serotonin is what I refer to as our "feel good hormone." When we do not have enough serotonin, we tend toward depression. There are multiple research studies which link serotonin with depression and many of the newer drugs out for depression actually work directly on serotonin.

Serotonin is a hormone which is produced in our brains via a biochemical process which uses tryptophan. The actual process is not as important as understanding that if the process does not occur, there will not be enough serotonin in our brain to transmit information from one cell to the next. There are other problems that can occur regarding the receptor sites not being able to accept the serotonin to transmit information. In other words, you may produce enough but the receptor sites are not working. It's like connecting to the internet, if the phone line you want to use is not working(the receptor site), your computer (the serotonin) will not be able to connect to the internet to transmit information.

More tomorrow on Sserotonin

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