Friday, July 10, 2009

Belching or Burps

There are lots of comedy routines out there about belching or burping. While the routines make us laugh, for many people the burps are unpleasant and they would rather keep them to a minimum. Gas production is a normal part of our digestive process, so you will always have a few burps here and there. But you can minimize the number that you do have.

The only control you have over the digestive process is to be aware of what foods cause you to have more burps. I'll mention a few of these in a moment. The part that you do have control over is the amount of air that you swallow into the stomach. Things that make you swallow more frequently will increase the amount of air that you swallow. Some of the things that make you swallow more air are chewing gum, drinking through a straw, smoking, eating fast, and sinus drainage.

Carbonated beverages add a great deal of gas to the stomach. So minimize the amount of carbonated drinks that you have. Also minimizing chewing gum nad eat more slowly. Keep a list of the foods that cause you to have more gas and minimize your intake of these foods.

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