Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bug Bites

We are well into summer and depending upon where you live, the bugs are out. My parents always said that the mosquitoes only came out when I came home to northern Wisconsin! We have it pretty easy here in the Denver area, because bugs are just not a problem, but go to the mountains and there are legions of them.

Some things you can do to prevent or lessen the number of bites is to first wear light colored, loose clothing. Mosquitoes are often attracted to dark colors, and especially reds and blues.

My recommendation is to NOT use any of the insecticide treatments for clothes. Some clothes come pretreated and there is permethrin out there that you can treat your own clothes. Know that you are putting yourself at risk. These insecticides are neuotoxins which can be absorbed from the cclothing into your skin and hence your body. These insecticides have also been found to have a carcinogenic affect and may result in cancer cell formation. Use extreme caution if you are going to do this and know the risk that you are taking. there are better ways.

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