Monday, July 13, 2009

Fitness Myths and Facts

There are some myths out there around diet and exercise. One of these myths is that we gain body fat as we age and that this is an inevitable fact. While our metabolism does slow down slightly after age 40, the reason that we see people gaining weight after age 40 is not because they are aging. The reason is that those who are gaining weight after 40 do so because they decrease or have no exercise in their life. This will lead to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat mass over time. Incidentally, this decrease in muscle mass and exercise also resulting in a decrease in bone strength as well.

The less muscle mass and bone mass that we have, the fewer calories that we need. Most people do not decrease their caloric intake until they reach their late 80s or 90s. It's interesting, that most people who live into their 90s are not particularly obese. This is because if they were obese earlier in their life and did not do anything about it, they don't live into their 90s.

So to live longer, you want to live stronger. Start now to increase your metabolism with some resistance training at least 2-3 times a week. This will help ward off the osteoporosis issue and increase the muscle mass. Be sure to work all the major muscle groups, legs, arms, back chest and shoulder. Remember that the area that the body tends to deposit fat as we age is in the middle or abdominal area, so keeping this area strong will do a great deal to help you live long and strong.

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