Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Healthy Ways to Cheat on Your Diet

Yesterday I talked about ice cream. I forgot to mention one thing about ice cream. One of the things you can do is to top your ice ream with fresh fruit or nuts. This will help you get a fruit serving in, make the ice cream taste better and you'll feel like you're really "cheating."

I also mentioned yesterday to have one day a week when you get to eat what you want. I want to add to that a bit and say, select a reasonable sized portion. If you are really craving a cookie, then pick one that is a reasonable size, don't go for the biggest one you can find or make. I had a friend once who said she ate just one cookie, but it was one of those the size of a 12 inch pizza! Make whatever you choose something special. If you want a candy bar, choose your favorite one rather going for a bag of bite size candies. The adage is true here as it is with potato chips, you can't just eat one, so if you only have one candy bar, you won't eat the whole bag.

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