Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tips for Happy Feet

High heels have been around for centuries and they're not going to go away. So here are some tips about wearing them that will keep your feet happy.

Tip 1: a 2 inch heel or less is less problematic than a 4 inch heel. A thinner heel will give you the appearance of height.

Tip 2: Wear heels when you're not going to be on your feet for extended periods of time, like a sit down dinner or a concert. If you're going dancing, wear flats.

Tip 3: Make sure that the toe box is big enough for your toes. You can always have it stretched to give you more room.

Tip 4: While we're talking about room, let's talk about size. Heels should be a size larger than what you wear in a flat - this will help give your foot more space for movement. Use inserts to help fit the shoe to your foot.

Tip 5: Opened toed shoes give your toes more room to move, so they are often more comfortable.

Take care of your feet. They have to carry you around the rest of your life!

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