Sunday, July 19, 2009

Breathing and Fitness

We all know that breathing is essential to life. What you might not be aware of is that when you exercise, you need to be even more aware of your breathing. Athletes who don't perform up to their ability usually do so because their minds freeze rather than their body failing them. The important link here is that when you are exercising, concentrate on your breathing as well. Taking slow deep breaths will help keep your brain well oxygenated and functioning.

The things that happens to many of us is that we will take a gasp of air when we are trying to do something physically difficult and then we hold our breath. This doesn't help you perform at your best, so remember to concentrate onn breathing.

If you need a quick boost stop, take 10 slow deep breaths. On the inhale, say to yourself "I feel calm and powerful." On the exhale, say "your name."

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