Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ice Water to Lose Weight

Dose drinking ice water help you lose weight? While drinking ice water does increase your metabolism in order to maintain a normal temperature, the amount of calories burned in this process are not going to be significant for you to lose a great deal of weight. Remember a few days ago I mentioned that you had to burn 3500 calories more than your intake to burn a pound of fat. Drinking a half gallon of ice water a day will burn about 70 calories. So it does burn some, but really it is a "drop in the bucket" as far as burning enough calories for weight loss.

I'm not advocating to not drink water here, or even ice water for that matter. The bigger problem that most of us suffer from is we are slightly dehydrated most of the time because we do not drink enough water or we think we're doing OK with liquids because we're drinking soda, tea or coffee. Remember that most of these contain caffeine which make you even more dehydrated. Water is the best thing for you to be drinking.

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