Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Alternatives To Driving To Work

Here's a thought that might strike a chord with you. We are so accustom to jumping in the car to go to work, have you ever considered riding your bike or walking? I know it may be "too far". But think about this. If you bike to work and it takes you an hour, on average you will burn approximately 500 calories a day. In 5 days that adds up to 2500 calories burned, which could result in a 2 pound weight loss without changing your eating habits or diet.

I also just saw something about a bill in congress that would make you eligible for a $20/month tax credit for riding your bike to work - that's $240 a year, and they're thinking about doubling this to $40/month. This may be an incentive with the cost of gas and up keep on your car.

Here's something else to consider. Do you drive your children to school or do they ride their bike? Encouraging them to walk or ride their bike to school will start them on an exercise habit that will stay with them for life.

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