Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another Way To Exercise

I know I've mentioned this before, but it is time to bring it up again. One of the ways you can challenge yourself in the exercise game is to get a pedometer. Wear it for a few days before you really start to do any walking beyond your usual and see how many steps you're taking each day.

After you've done that for a few days, begin to add steps in your day. Take the stairs, park further from your place of business, walk the dog, go for a 10 minute walk after work, and see how these activities add to the number of steps that you're taking each day. Try to increase your number of steps each day by 500 steps. That's really not that many and you will find yourself competing to increase those steps more and more each day.

Oh and the side benefit. You may shed some unwanted weight. You'll have stronger, healthier heart and bones. You'll have healthier lungs. And you'll live a healthier life.

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