Sunday, September 20, 2009

Exercise -What's Good For You

I just read a recent study that shows that you can reduce your risk of major disease and improve your quality of life with as little as 10 minutes a day of exercise! I'd say that is pretty phenomenal!

But remember the one jumping jack study where they had a test group who only had to do 1 jumping jack a day and the other group had to do 30 minutes a day of exercise. At the end of the testing period, the group who was supposed to do 1 jumping jack a day was in better shape and lost more weight than the group who was supposed to exercise 30 minutes a day. Why, because most people doing 1 jumping jack felt like and did more than 1 jumping jack a day. The people in the exercise group found excuses not to exercise because it felt too much like work to them.

So can you commit to 10 minutes a day? Stayed tuned for more on what you can do during that 10 minutes.

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