Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The 9 Inch Diet

Here's another diet with some sound information, but nothing you haven't heard and not much in the way of teaching you what foods to eat. This diet basically is to get a smaller plate - a 9 inch in diameter plate. That way you will eat less. Good sound advice here, but hopefully not something that is new to you. A smaller plate can cut the number of calories by up to 1/3.

The other thing in this diet is that it really goes after the root problem which is portion size, or "portion distortion". I would love to see a menu at one of the restaurants that says "can I downsize that for you?" Probably not going to happen, but think about it.

While a smaller plate is helpful in cutting down on portions, you still should look at the foods that you are eating. Are they healthy foods, providing you the nutrients to feed not only your brain but also the rest of your body. And what about exercise??

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