Thursday, February 19, 2009

Low Glycemic Index Foods

Since I was talking about sugar yesterday, it came to me today that there is a buzz out there about low glycemic index foods - what are they and why should we eat them?

First let's talk about what what the glycemic index is. The glycemic index tells us how specific carbohydrates affect our blood sugar levels. Now you may think, I'm not a diabetic so why should I worry. Trust me, there is a reason. If you have any excess weight, it may be do to the fact that you are eating high glycemic index foods. Eating low glycemic index foods can really boost your ability to lose weight, think more clearly, have more energy, and reducing hunger.

What low glycemic index foods do is trickle glucose into the system instead of giving the system a blast of sugar which taxes the pancreas, kidneys, heart, and brain. Not to mention what it does on the individual cellular level. This trickling effect also translates into you feeling full and satisfied for a longer period of time.

Tomorrow I'll get into the different foods.

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