Sunday, February 22, 2009

Diet Books

I've been asked to look at some diet books. As many of you know, the first thing about diets is they don't work. They will help you lose a few pounds, but they are usually not something you can continue to do with success. However, some of these books suggest things that have merit, but only if used with smart eating practices.

One of these is to reprogram the way you think about food. I believe the premise here to change the way you think about food especially around the aspects of emotional eating, decreasing the portions and the feeling deprived are valid. The reprogramming is done by hypnotherapy. I'm not convinced of the long term effect of hypnotherapy, ie. one or two sessions is not going to do it. I think you would need to continue this for a life time. Don't be discouraged by this, I just think you need to understand that hypnotherapy is not a magic bullet. In fact there are no magic bullets to dieting.

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