Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More on Chamomille Tea

In addition to the benefits mentioned yesterday, Chamomille tea helps improve liver function, such that the liver is able to get rid of toxins in the body. This has a couple effects on you. One is that this along with the antioxidant strengthening the immune system helps promote tissue repair. So if you have a wound or if you have an injury to muscle, your body will be able to heal these more quickly.

One of the other things that Chamomille tea does is sooth the stomach. So if you are having nausea, this tea can help settle that down.

One thing to keep in mind about Chamomille is that it has a cumulative effect. In other words, while it begins to work right away, it will also hang around in the body for several days, so if you don't drink it every day you will still be getting some of the benefits.

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