Saturday, February 28, 2009

Benefit #1 of Cleansing

One of the biggest benefits to cleansing is that it strengthens your immune system. The job of the immune system is to get rid of all of the toxic wastes, viruses, bacteria, and any infectious materials. The problem is that we are assaulted with way more toxins than the body was designed to handle. Therefore the immune system is so busy trying to keep these toxins in check that it is working overtime to do it. The stores of the immune system become depleted and then you become more susceptible to things like colds and flus. Not to mention that if the immune system is really compromised, mutant cells occur which are cancers and are able to take hold because the immune system is not available to kill these mutant cells.

So the bottom line is we need to help out the immune system to help us stay well. Here's a thought you should ponder about all of this. Antibiotics are really not what cures the infection in our body. It is the immune system which has to cure the infection. All the antibiotic does is help control some of the organisms so that the immune system can do its job.

When you cleanse, what you are doing is using something to help the immune system get rid of the build up without you adding any more into the mix.

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