Thursday, December 25, 2008

Building the Immune System

Following on yesterday's tip, there are other things you can do to help protet yourself from cold and flus. Make sure that you are taking a good multiple vitamin. Well how do you know that you are getting a good multiple vitamin?

Great question. The cheapest brand at the store or discount store is likely not going to be your best choice. I know for years as a practitioner I recommended a certain brand only because it was the only one I knew. The problem was that that particular brand was not good because it more often than not did not even breakdown in the gut, so there was no benefit from it.

I have done a great deal of research now into various brands and if you would like more information, respond to this post and I will provide some for you.

More importantly, be sure to eat foods - organic if possible - that have high levels of vitamins (antioxidants). Fruits and vegetables are the best food sources.

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