Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why is Vitamin D so Important?

Some of you may know about the disease called rickets. This is a disease we see in children and it is a result of not enough Vitamin D. In adults what occurs is osteoporosis.

Our bodies breakdown and build bone every day of our lives. If we don't have the right things present for this process like Vitamin D which assists with calcium which helps makes our bones strong, the bones become soft as in rickets, or spongy with a weak bone matrix as in osteoporosis. For adults, osteoporosis is a huge concern as it predisposes us to injuries such as hip fractures. While tend to think this is not as horrible as a heart attack, the fact of the matter is that a hip fracture in someone over 65 leads to complications in about 75% of cases. Of these 75% with complications, 50% will actually die of the complication. So hip fractures in someone over 65 are really not benign.

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