Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Determining Type II Diabetes

I've had several questions in the past week as to how you might know if you are diabetic. The problem with diabetes is that it has a slow insidious onset. Type II diabetics may have had the disease for as long as 5-7 years before it is diagnosed. Unfortunately a lot of damage can be done to many organs in that time frame when you think you are OK.

Who should be concerned? If you have a family member who has diabetes either type and the more you have the more concerned you should be. If you have a sedentary life style where you are not doing active physical exercise at lease 1 hour three times a week, be concerned. If you are overweight, the more overweight you are the more your concern should be. The diagnosis of diabetes has increased 300% since 1980.

How to find out. Simple, get a fasting blood sugar test. You should be fasting for at least 8 hours. Your blood sugar level should be less than 100. If it is over 100, 100-110, it is time to start doing something now before damage is done. If it is over 110, you really need to do something to get yourself back in control. My rule of thumb is that if you are at 120 or higher, you are a diabetic. This does not mean shots, insulin or even oral medications. It means you need to take control of the disease before the disease takes control of you.

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