Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Recommendations for How Much Vitamin C

There is a lot of controversy out there over the right amount of Vitamin C. If you're eating 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, then you can supplement with 500-1000mg and be getting a fairly good amount of Vitamin C.

If you're not eating the 8-10 servings every day, which most of the American public does not do, then you will need to supplement with more. Most sources agree that around 2000mg/day is about the right amount.

Vitamin C is water soluble and is not stored in the body, so it will go out in the urine if the body is unable to use it at that time. A word of caution here. Don't take all 2000mg at once. The body uses Vitamin C as it goes along. So if you take the entire dose at once, it cannot store it and it will go out in the urine. This is why some physicians refer to some vitamins as making the urine rich in vitamins. You need to split the doses in to at least 2 per day and you may want to consider 3-4/day.

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