Friday, December 12, 2008

Can you get too much Vitamin E

The symptoms of too much Vitamin E can be somewhat vague. But here they are: fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea, diarhhea, altered immune function, altered metabolism of specific hormones like thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal hormones and excessive bleeding. Caution should be used if you are taking warfarin or coumadin. Bleeding usually does not occur unless the dose is greater than 1000 units/day.

Some words of caution, there is some interaction with other things. Antacids decrease Vitamin E absorption. Blood thinners like coumadin may increase spontaneous bleeding. Alcoholism and smoking both decrease the absorption of Vitamin E. Some of the anti-cholesterol medications that work specifically in the gut to decrease absorption of cholesterol, also decrease the absorption of Vitamin E.

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