Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vitamin A Continued

In addition to vision, Vitamin A has other effects on our bodies. The role of this vitamin in tissue repair and growth is very important. This is particularly true of the skin and we are all aware of the use of Vitamin A on the skin in the form of retinol which is used to resurface and rejuvenate the skin. It is often referred to as anti-aging in skin care products.

Vitamin A also assists in the formation of strong bones and teeth.

A word of caution, the retinal form of Vitamin A can become toxic if you get too much. The animal form is the one to be concerned with as it can lead to osteoporosis and bone degeneration when taken in excessive amounts. The Beta carotene form is not so harmful, but when taken in excessive amounts leads to the skin turning an orange-yellow color.

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