Saturday, February 28, 2009

Benefit #1 of Cleansing

One of the biggest benefits to cleansing is that it strengthens your immune system. The job of the immune system is to get rid of all of the toxic wastes, viruses, bacteria, and any infectious materials. The problem is that we are assaulted with way more toxins than the body was designed to handle. Therefore the immune system is so busy trying to keep these toxins in check that it is working overtime to do it. The stores of the immune system become depleted and then you become more susceptible to things like colds and flus. Not to mention that if the immune system is really compromised, mutant cells occur which are cancers and are able to take hold because the immune system is not available to kill these mutant cells.

So the bottom line is we need to help out the immune system to help us stay well. Here's a thought you should ponder about all of this. Antibiotics are really not what cures the infection in our body. It is the immune system which has to cure the infection. All the antibiotic does is help control some of the organisms so that the immune system can do its job.

When you cleanse, what you are doing is using something to help the immune system get rid of the build up without you adding any more into the mix.

Friday, February 27, 2009


When I talk about detoxification, I am speaking about detoxifying the body but not about detoxifying from alcohol. Although alcohol causes toxicity in the body and we see the end result of drinking alcohol excessively ends with you developing liver disease because the liver becomes so toxic that it can no longer function.

You see a lot out there these days about cleansing and detoxification. And the question you should be asking is, is it safe and do I need to do it. The answer is that it can be safe if done properly and yes you should do it in order to detoxify and cleanse the liver. My first thought when I heard about cleansing was enemas to cleanse the bowel. This is not such a great idea. There are ways to cleanse the liver and other organs involved in detoxification and help you to become healthier.

Over the next few days I'll be talking about the benefits of cleansing and then I will get into how to do it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lemon Juice Diet

Here is another diet book that claims there is a magic bullet to weight loss. In this case it is lemon juice. Lemon juice is good for many reasons, not the least of which it stimulates metabolism, makes you feel full (less of the hunger problem) and helps regulate blood sugar.

But this book gives you calorie controlled and balanced meal plans which is far more likely to help you lose weight than just the fact that lemon is included. There is also a detox in this book, which I don't necessarily disagree with, but I think you need specific nutrients when you do a detox and you should understand what it is you are detoxifying.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The 9 Inch Diet

Here's another diet with some sound information, but nothing you haven't heard and not much in the way of teaching you what foods to eat. This diet basically is to get a smaller plate - a 9 inch in diameter plate. That way you will eat less. Good sound advice here, but hopefully not something that is new to you. A smaller plate can cut the number of calories by up to 1/3.

The other thing in this diet is that it really goes after the root problem which is portion size, or "portion distortion". I would love to see a menu at one of the restaurants that says "can I downsize that for you?" Probably not going to happen, but think about it.

While a smaller plate is helpful in cutting down on portions, you still should look at the foods that you are eating. Are they healthy foods, providing you the nutrients to feed not only your brain but also the rest of your body. And what about exercise??

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Snacking Yourself Thin

This particular book on snacking constantly to lose weight may not be the most practical of suggestions. This book tells you to eat every hour, a small portion of whatever you want. Eating multiple times a day is a good idea. The practicality of eating every hour is not so great. If you have a job it will be difficult for your to eat something every hour while you are working.

Having 2-3 snacks a day is a great idea. Some of the snacks I recommend are things like 4-6 almonds. This gives you the sense of eating something and it has many benefits. See my posts starting on January 31, 2009. Diabetics in particular should be snacking with healthy foods like a few almonds and a small apple. This will help to keep the blood sugar regulated.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A 4 Day Diet

There is another diet book which talks about the 4 day diet. Now this is catchy, because you all would like to think that you could diet for 4 days and be done. Not going to happen. If fact, this book has 7 modules of 4 days each.

What this book does is give you different lists of foods for each 4 day period. It does not tell you how to put the foods together, or what a menu would look like. The idea here is that you have a list of different foods for each 4 days, so you won't get bored eating the same thing, but if you don't know how to put those foods together, it will be a struggle for you.

You would need to know what to eat and how to put that together before you could you use this book. There may also be a sense of deprivation here in that the list you are to eat from may contain foods you don't like and not many of the foods you like.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Diet Books

I've been asked to look at some diet books. As many of you know, the first thing about diets is they don't work. They will help you lose a few pounds, but they are usually not something you can continue to do with success. However, some of these books suggest things that have merit, but only if used with smart eating practices.

One of these is to reprogram the way you think about food. I believe the premise here to change the way you think about food especially around the aspects of emotional eating, decreasing the portions and the feeling deprived are valid. The reprogramming is done by hypnotherapy. I'm not convinced of the long term effect of hypnotherapy, ie. one or two sessions is not going to do it. I think you would need to continue this for a life time. Don't be discouraged by this, I just think you need to understand that hypnotherapy is not a magic bullet. In fact there are no magic bullets to dieting.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Good Glycemic Index Foods

There are many good low Glycemic Index foods, but some of the best ones are lemon juice, vinegar, cinnamon, and legumes. When looking at fruits and vegetables, colorful ones are always better, ie. red, dark green, orange.

Also when you look at fruit juices, it is always better to eat the raw fruit. If you absolutely have to have juice, squeeze the fresh fruit. No time to do that? Then only buy fruit juice which has no added sugar - in fact you want the juice to be pure juice with no additives. This is not easy to find. Read the labels on the juices the next time you're at the grocery store. It will amaze you!

If you are planning to eat a higher Glycemic Index food, then consider your portion size. My husband and I once had a baked potato at a restaurant that was so huge the two of us could not even eat one! Our first mistake was each ordering one the first time we went there.

Friday, February 20, 2009

More on the Glycemic Index

I want to clarify the difference between Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load. The Glycemic Index is a system which measures how much the blood sugar will rise from a specific carbohydrate. Some very fatty foods may have a low glycemic index, but that does not mean they are good for you. Glycemic Index only relates to the rise in blood sugar from a carbohydrate.

Glycemic Load takes into account the portion size of the carbohydrate while Glycemic Index only looks at how quickly the carbohydrate turns to sugar in your body.

Some of the high Glycemic Index foods that you want to limit in your diet are processed white flour products, potatoes, and sugary cereals. I've talked about bananas before, but here is the reason I personally don't eat them any more and recommend that my dieting clients not eat them as well as my diabetics. The difference between an apple and a banana (you obviously can tell the difference by looking!) , but in the Glycemic Index world, the apple is 34 and the banana is 54. The problem here is that there is more of a rise in blood sugar with the banana and that rise stays there for a longer period of time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Low Glycemic Index Foods

Since I was talking about sugar yesterday, it came to me today that there is a buzz out there about low glycemic index foods - what are they and why should we eat them?

First let's talk about what what the glycemic index is. The glycemic index tells us how specific carbohydrates affect our blood sugar levels. Now you may think, I'm not a diabetic so why should I worry. Trust me, there is a reason. If you have any excess weight, it may be do to the fact that you are eating high glycemic index foods. Eating low glycemic index foods can really boost your ability to lose weight, think more clearly, have more energy, and reducing hunger.

What low glycemic index foods do is trickle glucose into the system instead of giving the system a blast of sugar which taxes the pancreas, kidneys, heart, and brain. Not to mention what it does on the individual cellular level. This trickling effect also translates into you feeling full and satisfied for a longer period of time.

Tomorrow I'll get into the different foods.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The other white mentioned yesterday is sugar. So how does it set off the inflammatory process?

When you eat something that contains a lot of sugar, the pancreas puts out a large amount of insulin in response to the sugar. This increase in insulin turns on the inflammatory genes to begin producing inflammation in the body.

Not only does this set off the inflammatory genes, but the as we gain weight from eating the refined sugars, we have a yo-yo effect of our blood sugar going up and down and stress on the pancreas. This ultimately can result in Type II Diabetes. Another reason to get rid of the excess sugar in our diets.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cutting Out or Back on White Foods

In the anti-inflammatory search, cutting back on the white foods in your diet can certainly help. White foods are things like milk, sugar and refined grains.

Dairy and white flour can kick the inflammatory process into high gear. The gut sees these as invaders which makes the immune system go into action with an inflammatory response. Those of you have celiac disease or are lactose intolerant are aware of the problem because when you eat these foods you begin to not feel well almost immediately.

There is an exception to the diary rule and that is eggs. Especially those that are from free range chickens. These are high in omega 3.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Anti-Inflammatory Diets

Over the past several days I gave you the components of one of the anti-inflammatory diets. I found several others, but most of them are pretty much the same as the components I listed.

The major component to most of these diets is to increase your omega 3 intake either by supplementing with a fish oil or by eating fish. The problem with eating fish is that there are many not so great things in the fish because they have been contaminated. So if this is concern for you, then be sure that you supplement with a good fish oil - at least 2000 milligrams a day. Make sure that the fish oil that you are taking has both EPA and DHA.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Last 2 Components of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Here are the last two components of the anti-inflammatory diet. Use anti-inflammatory herbs such as ginger and turmeric. I have written about ginger on October 23, 2008. I talked about anti-inflammatories on November 22, 2008 and mention the effects of turmeric.

The last thing mentioned in the anti-inflammatory diet is to consider taking grape seed extract. This herbal contains polyphenols which are potent antioxidants. In addition, grape seed extract is potent anti-inflammatory.

Now you have the one of the anti-inflammatory diets. Let just say that this is not the only one, just one that I ran across in my reading and thought I would share with you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Continuing with the anti-inflammatory diet, next is to eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortenings - basically anything that contains hydrongenated or partially hydrogenated oils. I have written a series of posts about hydrogenated fats starting on September 6, 2008. The listing for this piece of the diet goes on to say to avoid any foods which contain trans-fatty acids. This seems to be the new designer word for unsaturated fats. What you should be using is extra virgin olive oil.

Next on the anti-inflammatory diet list is to increase your intake of Omega 3. There is more on omega 3 starting in my posts on September 10, 2008. You will usually need to be taking some form of dietary supplement with fish oil. Contact me via this blog if you would like more information.

The last 2 components of the anti-inflammatory diet will come tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

I was reading an article yesterday about vasculitis and ran across the anti-inflammatory diet. This was pretty interesting to me.

The very first thing on the list was to eliminate cow's milk and cow's milk products and substitute other sources for calcium. We know there are lots better sources of calcium than cow's milk. See my September 23, 2008 posting. I won't go off on the milk tangent here, but suffice it to say that milk can promote inflammation within the body.

The second thing on the list is to eat more organic fruits and vegetables. Certainly this makes sense since fruits and vegetables increase antioxidants and decrease inflammation. The reason for organic is in my October 15, 2008 posting.

I'll give you two more components of the anti-inflammatory diet tomorrow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

So Where Is Lysine?

There are multiple sources of lysine. I mentioned quinoa the other day, which can be eaten like oatmeal.

Other sources are lysine are proteins such as meats, (this includes red meat, pork and chicken), fish (especially cod and sardines), eggs, parmesan cheese, nuts, and soy (this includes tofu, and soy flour). Remember that lysine is an essential amino acid and is usually in proteins. Many of the grains do not contain lysine because the protein in grains is not complete.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More About Lysine

There are more good things about lysine. Researchers have found that lysine not only improves the absorption of calcium in the GI tract, but it also decreases the loss of calcium in the kidney. This is turn may be helpful to improving bone and decreasing osteoporosis.

Researchers have also shown that when lysine combines with arginine, bone building activity increases and collagen is enhanced. So lysine has a 2 fold effect on bones helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Yesterday I mentioned lysine and said a little about what it is and why it is essential to the body. There are definitely some health benefits from lysine.

Research has shown that lysine can help prevent breakouts of herpes simplex as well as herpes zoster. Herpes simplex, you may call cold sores. Herpes Zoster is more commonly known as shingles. These are both viruses. The simplex virus is usually around the nose and mouth. The individual will have a break out whenever the immune system is compromised or fighting some other virus or infection, such as a cold.

Zoster is related to the vericella virus which causes chicken pox. Zoster is a virus of the nerve and affects only one side of the body, ie left or right. The lesions will follow nerve routes and usually occur on the chest or back. Occasionally the break out will occur on the face. This is an extremely dangerous situation because if the virus gets into the eye, it will lead to blindness.

Lysine can help decrease the duration of the breakout as well as help prevent further breakouts. Because of the danger with zoster, particularly on the face, as soon as the rash develops you should see your doctor. This is critical, because the antivirals must be given within 48 hours of the development of the rash. They still may not have any effect, but if it is more than 48 hours, the antivirals will not help at all.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quinoa - Super Grain?

Actually quinoa is not a grain at all, although many believe it to be one. Quinoa is the the seed from a leafy plant that is distantly related to spinach. What quinoa contains that most grains do not is the amino acid lysine. Lysine is an essential amino acid, however, we are dependent upon getting it from our food as the body is unable to produce it.

Lysine helps the body convert fatty acids into energy by helping to produce carnitine in the body. You can immediately get the point that if you have too little lysine, you don't produce enough carnitine and you can become fatigued. This is usually not a problem unless you are not eating any protein sources in your diet.

Back to quinoa, this seed contains lots of good nutrients like potassium, riboflavin, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, folate, zinc and copper. This is an excellent protein source as well.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Last Thing About Licorice Root

While traditional Chinese medicine uses licorice to treat a wide variety of illnesses, besides the effects mentioned on 2/6/09, there is little research to support any other uses. However, we do know that licorice root contains flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants boost the immune system and that certainly helps us combat infections of any type (viral, bacterial, etc.).

There is research that shows that licorice root can kill helicobacter pylori which a bacteria that is known to cause stomach ulcers. Alternative medicines use it precisely for this purpose.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Caution Regarding Licorice Root

There is one caution you should be aware of with Licorice Root, and that is that it can increase blood pressure. So if you have high blood pressure to begin with and are on blood pressure medicines, use caution when taking cough remedies that contain licorice root as your blood pressure may increase. This is why many of the over the counter cough preparations caution you about taking it if you have high blood pressure.

Additionally, there is some evidence to support disruption of potassium levels. This is usually not a problem with the normal individual, but if you are on blood pressure medications or if you take a diuretic (water pill), this could have serious implications from a cardiac standpoint for you. Use caution when taking any remedy with licorice root in it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Licorice Root

If you have taken a cough preparation over the counter, it likely contains licorice root. This herb helps to loosen secretions and increases your ability to cough them out of the lungs. In addition, licorice root can suppress a cough so that you sleep better at night. Many cough preparation contain glycyrrhizin which is responsible for the above.

We tend to think of it as being used to flavor cough preparations, but the real effect is how it works on bronchial secretions.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Someone asked the other day about taking valerian. I did a little research and found that it is more likely to be prescribed in Europe than Xanax or Valium. While I was aware of valerian's sedative effect, I had not thought of it as a substitute for these anti-anxiety drugs.

The actual mechanism of how valerian works is not clear. However, it has been around for centuries. Valerian is particularly helpful when one is unable to fall asleep because of anxious about something. Valerian has a calming effect without making you feel like you have been sedated with a drug.

I would certainly use caution with this herb in terms of when you take it. If you are going to be driving or operating any kind of equipment, I would not recommend taking it. I have used this herb when we have traveled and been in a different bed and place and I want to get a good night's sleep. It works wonderfully for this!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More on Chamomille Tea

In addition to the benefits mentioned yesterday, Chamomille tea helps improve liver function, such that the liver is able to get rid of toxins in the body. This has a couple effects on you. One is that this along with the antioxidant strengthening the immune system helps promote tissue repair. So if you have a wound or if you have an injury to muscle, your body will be able to heal these more quickly.

One of the other things that Chamomille tea does is sooth the stomach. So if you are having nausea, this tea can help settle that down.

One thing to keep in mind about Chamomille is that it has a cumulative effect. In other words, while it begins to work right away, it will also hang around in the body for several days, so if you don't drink it every day you will still be getting some of the benefits.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chamomille Tea - A Healthy Choice

Whether you are a tea drinker or not, you may want to consider drinking Chamomille Tea. This particularly tea has many health benefits. The basis of the health benefits are two things, hippurate and glycine (an amino acid).

These two compounds contribute to multiple health benefits. One of the greatest benefits is the calming effect not only on anxiety, but also relaxation of muscles. So cramps or muscle spasms can be helped by Chamomille tea. Ladies, this includes menstrual cramps.

Along this same line, it combats inflammation because of its strong antioxidant effect. As you know antioxidants strengthen the immune system, thus helping to prevent illness and disease.

As a relaxant, Chamomille may also be helpful in helping one sleep. Many individuals experience an overall relaxed feeling which assists them in going to sleep at night.

More tomorrow.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Are There Cons to Almonds?

Yes, while almonds offer many benefits, there are some cons to be aware of in regard to these nuts. Almonds do contain oxalates. Excessive oxalates in certain individuals will result in crystallization. What it means in your body is that you may develop kidney stones or gall stones.

Individuals with a history of kidney stones or gall stones should eat almonds with caution. But for that matter, no one should be going overboard with almonds. A snack should consist of 5-7 almonds, so I'm not talking about eating them by the handfuls. Remember, a little goes a long way.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More to Almonds

While yesterday's note on almonds said a lot, there is still more to the almond story. One of the main components in almonds is fiber. We all know that we need fiber in our diets and most of us know that we get way to little fiber in our diets. I mentioned yesterday that almonds decrease the absorption of carbohydrates, but they also decrease the absorption of fat.

While the fiber assists as mentioned above, it also serves to keep the bowel functioning normally and may prevent colon cancer as a result. Also, remember that it contains antioxidants which can boost the immune system and help prevent cancer as well.

Almonds also help reduce c-reactive protein which is an indicator of inflammation in the body. This helps prevent artery damaging inflammation. And as you might expect homocysteine levels are also decreased.