Friday, March 6, 2009

Liver Cleansing

The other major filtering organ is the liver. The liver's sole job is to remove wastes and toxins from the blood. Cleansing the liver should be done to remove the excess wastes and toxins that build up there, but it should be done with supervision. You should have guidance as you go through this process.

There are some things that you can do to help the liver detoxify. First and foremost is eating a diet that is rich with fruits and vegetables - raw is better than cooked. Secondly, you should be aware of the types of fats you're putting into your system. I know I have spoken about this before, but one of the things that really gums up the liver is hydrogenated fats/oils. Get rid of the margarine. Use the olive oil and vegetable spreads that do not contain hydrogenated fats/oils. This means any hydrogenated fats/oils, even the partially hydrogenated ones.

Since I do recommend that you have guidance with this process, contact me via the blog if you are interested in detoxifying your liver.

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