Thursday, March 26, 2009

What to Exercise

Continuing from yesterday, start with the upper body. Do the biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest.

When you start out, so 1-2 of these muscle groups 3 times a week. As you increase your ability, you can do 2-3 or all of these on a single day. Remember go slow!

The lower body includes the quadriceps, gluteals, calves, and abdomen. If you get a 2 pound ankle weight to start, this will be more than adequate. Obviously the abdomen is done with crunches. Go easy with the crunches. You don't want to end up with a sore abdomen because you got carried away.

You can alternate upper and lower body 3 times a week, so one day do biceps, triceps, on day 2 do quads and gluteals. On day 3 shoulders and chest. Day 4 calves and abdomen. The goal is to eventually be able to do either all four of the upper body or all four of the lower body on one day.

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