Wednesday, June 10, 2009

#4 of 7 Ways to Lessen Stress in Your Life

Take some time to relax. I know this is easier said then done many times, but decreasing the stress in your life is important from a physical as well as a psychological aspect. Relaxing can be anything that helps you unwind without winding you back up or winding you up more from a hectic day.

Make sure you give yourself adequate sleep periods. Sleep disturbance can be a symptom of increasing stress. I would discourage you from using sleeping medications as this will put you to sleep, but it interfers with the normal sleep cycle and you don't always get the true rest that the body needs.

1 comment:

Laurie Tossy said...

Hi Dr. Linda!
Getting enough sleep is definitely a way to reduce stress...I also wrote yesterday about getting enough sleep--it is critical that we get enough sleep if we want to lose excess fat and achieve physical health.

Thanks for confirming my thoughts!